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Thread: Deer hit the Headlights !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania

    Deer hit the Headlights !

    I was driving home on Sunday after working out at the gym. It was raining pretty hard and the weather on the radio said there was a tornado warning and that I should find cover. I dealt that report was for my area and I decided to drive home after all. Along the way the wind was blowing and the rain was coming down pretty hard. I have to drive through a small wooded area and noticed the branches on the bushes on the side of the road were moving abruptly to a fro.

    I continued on my way watching limbs and branches on the roadway and thinking maybe I should have listened to the news reports and found shelter to wait out the storm. I am a strong man and can weather anything I felt in my mind. It is now pretty dark and it is not quite sunset.

    All of a sudden a medium sized deer runs out in front of my car, instead of running directly in front of me across my path. This dear decides to run along side of me for what seemed quite awhile. Sure I slowed down and noticed a small smirk of a smile as the deer turned its head back to see if I was noticing its struggle to stay ahead of me. I decided to put on more steam and see just how fast I could push this deer racer!

    Something spooked the animal and it darted in front of my car directly in my path, I had no choice but to hit this fragile animal. The deer hit the right front corner of my car and made a strong crash sound that was noticeable inside the car. I also noticed the car lifted up on the right side telling me that the deer was lodged under the front right wheel and tire. I kept going hoping to get out into the open where there was more light up ahead. The ere thought that I was now dragging the poor helpless creature along the roadway as its fur, then skin, and finely its well toned muscles, and finely its bones were getting obliterated, did not slow me down. I pushed for the light at the end of my journey.

    Once I reached the light it came to me clear as punch my mission was accomplished. I stopped the car in the light and walked out in front of the car. The headlight was gone; The deers antlers left an imprint of sorts that looked just like the letters T & N embedded in the corner post of the headlight assembly. Sure enough I drove the deer along side me for what seemed like miles only to find that if I turned and looked back I could see the mangled body parts strewn for as far as the eyes could see. T & N; I kept thinking I just passed you by like a racer in a shiny new car. It was a tough challenge to get past you as you whisked your body out beside me and made me work for that pleasure and stomping my feet and clapping my hands I beat you you son of a Gone. Let me state my intentions to all the rest of you deer in the woods if I get the chance I will do it again and again.

    Almere Grid BOINC Project - AMD Users Moves ahead of Team Norway 03 30 09

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

    …Pursuit is always hard, capturing is really not the focus, it’s the hunt ...

  2. #2
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    Now THAT is a milestone post!
    Excellent work Nflight!
    Right down to the punchine
    . . . . . ___
    . . . . . . .\___/\______
    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Ha ha, good one Nflight.

    Next carcass is WEP M+2

  4. #4
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    Deep in a while loop

    Mind that boom!

    Raise the spinnaker!


    /ed- looking forward to seeing the skiff racing in Sydney Harbor on TV again this year -ed/
    Last edited by AMDave; 03-31-2009 at 12:45 PM.
    . . . . . ___
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    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania

    Deer hit the Headlights !

    This is what the deer looked like before I, well you know you read the story!

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

    …Pursuit is always hard, capturing is really not the focus, it’s the hunt ...

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