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Thread: No Prime Left Behind Math Project

  1. #61
    AMDave's Avatar
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    The bug is logged, but it doesn't really qualify as a "bug" because the data tables are still under development:

    We need to apply some patience as the data is not ready for stats yet.
    There are still some design changes to make to enable full reporting.
    Work is in progress.
    . . . . . ___
    . . . . . . .\___/\______
    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  2. #62
    Here's another simple way to install llrnet on 2, 4 and 8 cores machine.
    The default server is on port 5000 but you also have work on port 400. To change the port just edit llr-clientconfig.txt for all cores and look for the server location. Another thing you have to edit is your nickname, please look for the line username = "TeamName_nickname".

    llr-clientconfig.txt content:
    -- LLRNet - network part of LLR
    -- (C) 2004-2005 Vincent Penne
    -- (See file LICENSE that must be included with this software)
    -- WARNING: comments start with two dashes

    -- server location
    server = ""
    port = 5000

    -- username ## Replace this with your mersenneforum username
    username = "AMDUsers_nickname"
    Extract the zip, for 2 and 4, versions and unrar for the 8 version. To run the client you just need to run llrnet.exe respectively for each core.

    Links to download: (Core duo windows) (Quad-core windows) (Octo part 1 windows) (Octo part 2 windows)

    All clients will run in the system tray. If you right click on the icon and if you choose "New GUI Window" you will get remotely control of all cores and see their progress.

    Hope this helps a bit.


  3. #63
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    These stats are now fixed thanks to Bok and IB for the appropriate torch cutting and arc welding
    The square peg is now in the round hole :D

    Quote Originally Posted by AMDave View Post
    The bug is logged, but it doesn't really qualify as a "bug" because the data tables are still under development:

    We need to apply some patience as the data is not ready for stats yet.
    There are still some design changes to make to enable full reporting.
    Work is in progress.
    . . . . . ___
    . . . . . . .\___/\______
    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  4. #64
    Drive 3 was completed a few days ago and now we are concentrated on finishing Drive 1 until the end of the year.

    Current servers with work:

    server = ""
    port = 400

    server = ""
    port = 443

    server = ""
    port = 4000

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by gd_barnes View Post
    To all,

    We're planning another LLRnet rally next weekend from Nov. 21st at 7 PM GMT to Nov. 23rd at 7 PM GMT (2 PM EST / 11 AM PST U.S.).

    The rally will be run mostly run on port 400 (for the heavier hitters) and port 443 (for smaller resources). We may also reactivate port 5000 depending on the resources running the rally. (Note by Max: G4000 is also now open for rally work. I'm guessing that it can handle a pretty heavy load, though it hasn't been tested and thus the primary load should go on IB400 unless we can get a good pre-rally load test going to verify what it can handle.)

    If you can't run our usual project servers and wish to run your own, let us know how many cores you'll be running and we'll send you a range just for the rally.

    Max, can you post a response that asks for and shows the cores that everyone will be bringing. Right now, I'm going to plan on a full 40 fast cores. (I may run 3-4 slow cores also.)

    Bring on the firepower as we attempt to finish the 1st drive by year end!


    server = ""
    port = 400

    server = ""
    port = 443

    server = ""
    port = 4000

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    Sorry ... busy with 3x+1 for a little while longer.

  7. #67
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    One of my computers gives this error:

    The server refused your new result :
    either someone else computed it already,
    either the server is now configured to
    work on other numbers.

    Yes I know it doesn't make sense, the second "either" should be an "or".

    Maybe I'll try another port number overnight to see if it makes any difference.

  8. #68
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    ^^^ Bump.

    Brucifer it looks like you have increased your rate. Maybe the next stats update will show if I have met your recent "check" and maybe even "raised the stakes".

  9. #69
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    you may have the remnants of an old dead range in your workfile or progress file

    stop the client
    delete the workfile.txt and any (whatever it is it starts with 'z')
    create a blank file called workfile.txt (it may even do this itself)
    start the client again
    . . . . . ___
    . . . . . . .\___/\______
    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  10. #70
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    Thanks Dave. So far so good. It worked for the first task. I'll see how it goes overnight.

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