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Thread: AMD Users... prepare thyselves!

  1. #1
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    AMD Users... prepare thyselves!

    ... for soon, we go to WAR!

    This is our current situation on the BURP boinc project...

    4. Intel Corporation - 127,835.67
    13. AMD Users - 55,161.59

    AMD USERS... Are we going to let this be??

    Every man, woman, and child, owner or with access to one or more computers that can run BOINC... join us in BURP!

    Let's show Intel what we can do!!

    Anyone not running for the Contest, that wants to help the Team... head on to BURP and get a head start. Intel is running away from us each day that passes.

    In two days from now, when the last Boinc project is finished on the Contest, I ask you Boinc fellows to head on to BURP too and keep on pushing!

    There's little over 35,000 WU's available as of now, and they don't re-stock them often. Grab them while you can!

  2. #2
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Now... on a more serious note... beware everyone, Burp is a bit unstable, it's still an Alpha stage project. Here's a few warnings from my own experience...

    - Checkpointing does not work very well (or at all in some cases)
    - Workunits can take anywhere from few seconds to 20+ hours to crunch
    - Workunits can take anything from 10 to 200+ Megs of RAM each (multiply by the number of cores on your machines)
    - The first download (application and accessory files) is *not* dial-up friendly, but afterwards it's ok, the workunits are less than 100k each.

    I've put my best machine on it! (work machine - Athlon64 X2 4400+)
    Do what you can too fellows!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    One more observation is that sometimes the time to completion counter goes backwards. This is something to do with the rendering process within the app. Eventually it completes the task.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mid Michigan
    A couple of other things, your Wu's sit in the pending section forever, I still have Pending Credit from over a month ago when I ran a little bit there. And the Credit you get Blows, your at the mercy of the Lowest claimer, whatever he claims then thats what your going to get too ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Greenville, NC, USA
    I think it's funny that Intel Corporation's main team member, rank 1 of 2, has one AMD running. That one AMD is number one in his RAC. That's the whole reason why I bought AMD, because they are faster at video encoding.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    that intel team is only 2 people, 1 of which isn't even doing much. so we will be going to war with really just one person...

    I also noticed his top performing comp is a dual core opteron, maybe a better tactic would be to just try and recruit him to AMD Users.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoGen View Post
    ... for soon, we go to WAR!
    This is our current situation on the BURP boinc project...
    4. Intel Corporation - 127,835.67
    13. AMD Users - 55,161.59
    Why are the stats all messed up? here is what I get from the BURP site:
    1st place is Intel Corp, and AMD Users are in 6th ...
    If you can't make it ... Don't come!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I hope we can go up a little... but I will pass this challenge momentarily. I've just had my first exam and I hope I passed it. bad feeling about it. the parents wont be all happy happy, even if it turns out ok. I'll have to refrain from doing too obvious boinc things then, it pisses them off. I will keep working on our DC-vault place for physics, but I can only promise a small miracle at the end of the year. I'm gonna go study now, there are 2 more exams to do (next friday and the monday after that)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    The BURP site defaults to recent credit, switch to total and you'll get the ranks listed here.

  10. #10
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Guys... BURP isn't that bad anymore. The workunits percentage display doesn't go back and forth anymore like it used to. And the credits awarded by workunits are the claimed credits of the "middle" guy. It's not the one who claims the most, and not the one who claims the least anymore.
    About the pending credits lasting long... well, that still is true, I bet because of how big the workunits are, but we can't let that stop us from running it.

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