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Thread: How to navigate Free-DC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania

    How to navigate Free-DC

    I am an avid stats follower of the web site Free-DC found here: If you are not a member then I suggest you register as it requires to see the rest of my post, Look to the upper right hand corner for the tab to register and login. Once completed then go back to the main area of the page and look for the STATS Tab.

    Clicking on the Stats TAB , you find yourself at the Stats Index/Active Projects = This shows you all the Active Projects and some inactive projects ( potential to return projects are kept in place due to change of ownership or admin rollover)
    The rest of the FOCUS of this post is centered on the NAVIGATION Column to the left of the main display screen.

    Under Navigation - Server link is inactive, Donate tab explains this is operated in one mans home and most expenses are out of his own packet including outlay of expenses when things break, All Projects tab shows all the projects that are currently operating and some not so much as we wait to see if they reserrect themselves over time, and finally the CPID Page which is where you will see all your stats ( You must first go to the next Tab called Stats Tool Config to setup your own CPID Page)

    Stats Tool Config - Here you align your own BOINC Projects accounts with Free-DC stats web site. You are not handing over control of any sort. This is an auxillary Stats page which gives you access to veiw yourself against team Mates and the other Team competing as well as country stats, and world stats.
    1st - You must be able to go into each of your projects and find your own BOINC Account #'s [They will range anywhere from 1 to over 10000000] This is your own unique identifier account number for each project. By chance or luck you may be able to reward yourself with two projects with the same identifier#, if your lucky.

    2nd - Take your own account #'s and place them into the boxes on the Stats Tool Config page in the same Project Titled page. It is very easy to misplace your own stats in to someone elses account number and end of up with different stats displaying not your figures from the boinc projects page and the Free-DC page. {Be accurate and confirm you are in the right box}.

    3rd - The most important of all is before you leave the Stats Tool Config screen is after you place the account #'s in to the confirm boxes you MUST scroll up to the Top or scroll down to the Bottom as you are looking for the UPDATE Button, once pushed wait till the screen makes a certain refresh has occurred and then you can return to the NAVIGATION Column to press CPID Page and see your own stats will appear.

    4th - Each time you join a new project, collect the BOINC Acct Key# and place it in the Stats Tool Config page of Free-DC.

    5th - On the very far right of each Free-DC Stats tool Config page account you will notice a little square box that is empty, These boxes add your accounts into signature displays you see people showing off what projects they are participating in and what amounts of work they are doing and ranks they appear in the total project. This tiny box adds to the dyanmics of the Free-DC Stats Page. Under NAVIGATION Column there is a FAQ link, there under (5.) will be more help which will lead you to fillout your Stats Signature.

    Mega Milestones - are your own acheivements and they look impressive, against the rest of the world that your competing against. It is not just your team members it is now the world against your work completed.

    In the FREE-DC Forum there are 10's of thousands of posts relating to every nuance of HELP imaginable, these are real people and they will help you findyour way. Since this is a global effort and most people work to contributed their habit of crunching data for the Good of all mankind give them 24 hours to reply, thank you.

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

    …Pursuit is always hard, capturing is really not the focus, it’s the hunt ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Wales, UK
    Nice Post - thanks - have started to add myself to their stats.
    Last edited by euphoriabuzz; 08-16-2017 at 09:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Very helpful post, thank you Nflight.

  4. #4
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    After a long time of getting used to something we often forget that new participants need to know what we take for granted.
    Great post. +1'd you.
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